Collection of 3 attractive card exchange games at ekrummy

Collection of 3 attractive card exchange games at ekrummy

The online card exchange game is an entertainment product that many people enjoyPopular play at ekrummy bookmaker. You only need an electronic device such as a phone or computerA laptop with an internet connection can participate in this game. The following articleHere at ekrummy we will introduce the 3 most popular card games at ekrummy.

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Factors that create the appeal of the card exchange game at ekrummy

In the online gaming market in Vietnam today, there are many reputable bookmakersactive credit. But ekrummy Still the address most chosen by bettors. So what is weak?factors that create the attraction of this playground.

The game world is diverse from traditional to modern

This is the first factor when mentioning ekrummy bookmakers. Because this playground is floatingfamous for its huge inventory of entertainment products that suit people's preferencesVietnamese. We can mention some traditional games such as Tai Xiu and BauCrab, Ta La... and other attractive modern games.

Each game on the website is invested by the house to satisfy peoplemost involved. In ekrummy's Casino halls, you will receive dealersBeautiful, charming and enthusiastic guide. So even though it's an online gamethrough the phone screen. Players still get the full experienceAuthenticity thanks to the effects and images at this professional bookmaker.

Customers are treated with care and friendliness

If you have any questions, ekrummy staff will support youResponding 24/7 including holidays. Methods to contact homeThis is also quite diverse, players can call via hotline, zalo,chatbox or email,... With the goal of absolute customer satisfaction,So the experience and benefits of members are always put first by ekrummyTop.

Member information is highly confidential, payment is easy

ekrummy is equipped with a multi-layer security system to ensure privacy and securityAvoid hackers from harming players' information. The dealer also supportsHelp you deposit and withdraw money with many different banks. ImplementationTransactions are also simpler with many electronic payment channels such asinternet banking, zalopay, momo,…

Collection of 3 attractive card exchange games at ekrummy

Coming to the ekrummy playground, you will experience many types of card gamesexchange different attractive cards. Among them are 3 names as follows:

Three-card exchange card game at ekrummy

This is a game that is popular with many players at ekrummy. Because of the wayPlay is simple and there is no limit to the number of participants in one gamepost. At the beginning of the game, each player will receive 3 cards from the dealer.The winner will be the person with the highest total score of the 3 cardswith everyone participating in that game.

The deck of cards used in this game is a deck of cards with 36 cards (from A to 9).There are no 10s, Js, Qs, and Ks. Where the cards are scored is the corresponding numbercorresponding on that card, only card A is counted as 1 point. The highest scoreyou can achieve that is 10 points. If the total score of the 3 cards is higher10 will be calculated as a number in the units place.

Play unique Baccarat cards

Baccarat is an equally famous card exchange game at the ekrummy playground.This is a type of game with a method of playing quite similar to Vietnamese cards. The dealer will use itUse 8 decks or more, each deck has 52 cards to mix. Start the gameplay, the dealer will deal 2 cards to the player and the dealer. Afterward,The player will bet on winning or losing and the dealer will turn over the cards to calculate the score.

Baccarat's scoring method is similar to the 3-card card game. Mean:Cards are scored according to the corresponding number on that card, only card A countscount as 1 point and 10, J, Q & K counts as 0 points. In this gameThere is also the rule of taking the 3rd card and the total score of the initial 2 cards is smallgreater than or equal to 7 points. This online game is considered easy to play andEasiest to win today. Because the gameplay is simple and the participants are notneed to bet too much.

Exciting Roulette game

This is a type of card exchange game that is extremely attractive to both participants Traditional and online casinos. Roulette has quite interesting rules Many different bet levels and odds. Starting the game, you will have 30 seconds to judge which of the 37 boxes the ball will fall into and whether it will be inside or not outside the ring,... Besides, you also need to calculate to choose The betting level that best suits your financial ability.


The card exchange game is currently a favorite game of many players betting around the world. With a diverse and attractive product warehouse Surely you will have great experiences when coming to the playground ekrummy. If you want to try the above card games, register now Account at this house.

read more: Secret to winning big when playing over/under at ekrummy

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